Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Leaderfoot Story

I went for a walk with my sons to see if it was possible to walk over the lovely viaduct at Leaderfoot. Unfortunately as you can see from the pictures its blocked by a gate. Now I find this to be wrong. The bridge would be a wonderful walk with stunning views and photo opportunity from that height. Its this cotton wool story, the government is determined to cover us in so much cotton wool we can't move at all. I am sure the cry was "oh someone might fall", yes well they might fall from from anywhere mightn't they and they might run out in front of a car, you cannot porotect people only warn them.
Anyway it was a nice day and the Tweed was looking lovely.
The other problem is that without the bridge there is no easy access to the tracks on the other side as the bridge runs into bush.

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